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Research: Welcome

I am interested in stochastic processes and modeling in biological systems, the interplay of structure and dynamics in networks, and Bayesian inference and inverse problems. My work relies heavily on linear algebra, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, optimization, and computational topology.

I currently work on variational inference problems, noise propagation in biological networks, self-organizing edge flows, and functional form game theory (with exciting applications to multi-agent training and visualization). My published work includes the study of extinction events and large deviations, geometric solutions to moment closure problems, and the characterization of network structure in tournaments. I also work on data visualization techniques that summarize the interactions of competing agents.

I received the 2022 Suzuki Postdoctoral Fellowship Award in recognition of my research. 

Research: About
Research: About


Research: Services

The Network HHD: Quantifying Cyclic Competition in Trait Performance Models of Tournaments

A. Strang, K. C. Abbott, P. J. Thomas (SIREV 2021) 

Solutions to the Minimum Variance Problem using Delaunay Triangulation

A. Strang (SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics 2021) 

Similarity Suppresses Cyclicity: Why Similar Competitors Form Hierarchies

C. Cebra, A. Strang (SIAP 2023) 

Solutions to the Minimum Variance Problem using Delaunay Triangulation

A. Strang (SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics 2021) 

Principal Trade-off Analysis

A. Strang, D. SeWell, A. Kim, K. Alcedo, D. Rosenbluth (arXiv 2022)

Hierarchical Ensemble Kalman Methods with Sparsity-Promoting Generalized Gamma Hyper-priors

H. Kim, D. Sanz-Alonso, and  A. Strang (FoDS, 2023)




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